Sweet Pure Honey - Featured on Food Power TV
**PURCHASE OUR INVEST A HIVE BOX HERE (This pack was created to support our hives directly. It is filled with all of our top selling products made using our raw honey and beeswax.)
Our Saskatchewan Bee Farm
Sweet Pure Honey is one of the earliest Apiaries to support Direct Farm Profit and the Fair Trade movement. We are passionate entrepreneurs and dedicated to ensuring all Canadian bee farmers are paid fair value for our crops.
Canada Raw White Honey
Sweet Pure Canada White Honey is harvested and packed fresh from the field for our customers, while creating sustainable farming opportunities for our family and community.

Raw White Honey
Sweet Pure Honey is the unprocessed, concentrated nectar of flowers. From the field to the warehouse, our Canada Raw White Honey is extracted, poured into jars, and frozen for 14 days. Left to sit for another 2 weeks, it sets up naturally to a white spreadable raw honey butter bursting with heavy floral notes.
Our bees cover a variety of blooming crops throughout our prairie lands. The health-giving antioxidants and heady floral flavours of alfalfa, red clover, sweet clover, canola, borage and wild blooms are in every jar of Sweet Pure Honey. Containing flower pollen, concentrations of nutrients and propolis, our honey is a raw, wholesome natural sweetener.
Ice Honey
We hand pack our raw honey jars directly from the field. The raw honey is frozen for 2 weeks at -20 degrees. This unique Ice Honey, sets up in the dark to a luxurious spreadable honey butter. Our raw honey is bursting with unique floral bloom and is sure to please the most discerning honey connoisseur.